
Pandita Seaman Web Design

Web Design BlogWell, I finally did it! After much procrastination, excuses, stalling and simply avoiding the issue, I got off my rear and put together a web design blog to address small business design & development issues.   My goal is to share a little about my online marketing & web mastering experience, tips for managing your company website  & using it to bring in new customers to make sure it pays for itself.

What to Expect

My  primary goal in starting this  web design blog is to provide information geared towards individuals or businesses who are looking into taking their business, art, products online. This will include:

  • weighing the pro’s and con’s of building a website
  • what to expect from the design & development experience
  • what you will need to provide your web designer or developer to get started
  • Time/frame
  • Custom built sites vs template based


Of course, this means keeping it simple with minimal business lingo so everyone can understand.

Another aspect I hope to address here will helping you understand the financial aspect of creating and maintaining a site – what it involves and why.

  • How much should decent website to cost?
  • On going costs of maintenance – what it involves and why it’s important
  • How to decide if you need a Web Master to maintain your company website
  • How to make sure your site pays for itself.

The idea is to give you a little peak into your developers thought process and perhaps help your online development experience go smoother and be more successful.  Of course, suggestions are welcome, so any post ideas or questions are welcome and I’ll do my best to accommodate.

Well, that’s all folks!